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Traditional Drinks of Nicaragua

Looking for the Typical Nicaraguan Soft Drinks? You’re in the right place! From here you will know the complete and definitive list of liquid foods from the land of lakes and volcanoes, plus you will learn everything about: names, recipes, types, ingredients and their preparation, all this without having to go to Wikipedia.

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Origin of typical Nicaraguan beverages

Basically the origin is based on corn, all Nicaraguan beverages are made from this basic grain and of great importance, not for nothing is popular a phrase that says «We are children of corn», and although its root is corn, the flavors, colors and smells are different.

Pinolillo: nicaraguan national drink 

Vaso de pinolillo

If you had asked yourself: What is the typical Nicaraguan drink? the most representative is Pinolillo, I knew why.

List of Typical Nicaraguan Beverages by Department

Now, what are the typical Nicaraguan drinks? We have decided to make this list complete and organized, to make it easier and you can make them at home:

Drinks Central Region of Nicaragua

Chilla con tamarindo

Refresco de Chia con Tamarindo

This drink is simple, we buy the chia in the market, mix with water and tamarind and the rest is here, reading the recipe.

El Atole de Maíz

Atol de Maíz

It is a drink that is consumed hot especially in winter, it has a delicious and creamy taste, you will love it!

Fresco de Semilla de Jícaro

semilla de jicaro nicaragua

This soft drink is one of the most important in gastronomy nica, there are few ingredients and the preparation process is simple.


pinol blanco nicaragua

It can be made with milk or simply with water, although it is called «similar» to the pinolillo, its taste is different, I discovered why.


fresco de tiste nicaragua

This drink is refreshing and nutritious, very popular on Easter. Learn how to make it here.


tibio nicaraguense

A drink that is usually consumed at night and before sleep, to dream like a king and queen.

Fresco de jengibre

It is not only used as a drink, it is also used in traditional cuisine, its consumption is common in the prayers to the Virgin Mary.


If you go to Granada, department of Nicaragua fixed you have to take this refreshment.

Pacific Soft Drinks from Nicaragua

Arroz con piña

A delicious drink that has a sweet taste, if you try it will make you want to drink it every day.

Fresco de calala

Fresco de calala

Take this refreshing drink for lunch and there will be no heat to stop the taste of this refreshing drink.

Avena con leche

A drink that to begin the day goes well, the nicas consume them a lot especially the children of the house, the kings of the home.


fresco de linaza

It is made with lemon, is super rich and helps a lot to digestion.


Sweetie, sweetie. Make ice and drink it on the beach, in San Juan del Sur for example.

Fresco de Guayaba

If you are thirsty this drink is the best of all, if it is very hot, with a little ice you will feel the relief in your being.

Drinks Atlantic Region

Ginyabeer o Ginger Beer

ginyabeer o Ginger Beer

It is an exquisite drink that is prepared with ginger and Jamaican roses that are martajan.


fresco de pozol nicaragua

With lots of ice, refreshes the soul, is perfect to consume when you want.

Chicha de Maíz

Resfresco de chicha de maíz

This soft drink is super refreshing and sweet, is typical of consumption in the purisimas, read why.

Cacaco con leche

fresco de cacao nicaraguense

Before this element was used as currency in Nicaragua, but now it is one of the main drinks.