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Nicaraguan Almibar Recipe

Nicaraguan Almibar Recipe

Nicaraguan syrup (Almibar) is distinguished by the variety of fruits with which it is prepared. Get to know the step by step of this typical sweet.


  • 1 dozen mangoes.
  • 2 green papayas.
  • 500 green jocotes.
  • 2 pounds of currants.
  • 1 pineapple seasoning.
  • 3 bundles of rapadura candy.
  • 2 pounds of nancites in tanning.
  • cinnamon in slices (to taste)
  • peppercorns (to taste)
  • clove(to taste)


  1. What you must do is peel the papaya and make them in fine threads, this must put them in the sun so that the flavor is more delicious.
  2. Now proceed to peel the mangoes and wash the fruits that you are going to use, when everything is ready it is time to wash everything in a pot.
  3. In the pot or in a pot, you should add all the fruits with a little water and put them to boil at low heat for 10 minutes maximum.
  4. In total the hours that the syrup should be in the fire at least 3 hours, remember that it should be shaking constantly and low heat, the fruits should be taken of a dark brown, and if you have left white is that they are not in their point yet.