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How do you make the Nicaraguan cake?

Nicaraguan-style cake


2 weeks before: 2 cups of caramelized fruit Red wine

For honey or burned sugar

  • ½ cup of sugar
    1⁄4 cup of water

For the cake

  • ½ butter bar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 4 cups of flour
  • 4 tablespoons, soda (baking soda or baking powder)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup of silver rum.


  1. Soak the fruits in the wine preferably 3 weeks before, but you can still use it one week in advance, although the result is much better with the first option.
  2. The day you are going to prepare the cake, burn the sugar by putting it in a pot over a low heat, stirring from time to time and until it melts and looks dark, then add the water, stir and let it boil a little, then remove from the heat and let it cool.
  3. In a suitable bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until it looks soft and fluffy, then slowly add the flour, soda, orange juice and burnt sugar.
  4. Once homogenized, add vanilla, ground cinnamon and rum. Transfer to a homo mold, previously greased and floured, and put in homo preheated to 160°C until it comes out clean when you insert a stick. Let it cool down and if you prefer, bathe it with red wine or rum.
  5. Soak the fruits in the wine preferably 3 weeks before, but you can still use it a week in advance, although the result is much better with the first option.
  6. The day you are going to prepare the cake, burn the sugar by putting it in a pot over a low heat, stirring from time to time and until it melts and looks dark, then add the water, stir and let it boil a little, then remove from the heat and let it cool.
  7. In a suitable bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until it looks soft and fluffy, then slowly add the flour, soda, orange juice and burnt sugar.
  8. Once homogenized, add vanilla, ground cinnamon and rum. Transfer to a homo mold, previously greased and floured, and put in homo preheated to 160°C until it comes out clean when you insert a stick. Let it cool down and if you prefer, bathe it with red wine or rum.

And ready to enjoy the Nicaraguan-style cake!